...and I have no idea what, if anything, I'm dressing up as yet. I might recycle the priest outfit, who knows. At least it means I can have the schoolgirls sit on my lap again without getting odd looks...
So hey, in case you didn't catch it, the Sands casino in Atlantic City came down this past Thursday night. It was one of the first in AC but time had passed it by, and the bigger and better (and corporate-owned) hotels and casinos just made it all but obsolete. Plus, the way the landscape changed over the years, having it pretty much not accessible to the boardwalk hurt it too. Pinnacle Entertainment will be putting a new casino there in the next few years, bigger and better than ever and with boardwalk access!

When I first went to Atlantic City, this was one of the places I enjoyed the most. A professional team put together this demolition to knock it down, it's been done in Vegas plenty of times but never on the east coast. What is estimate to be 100,000 people packed the beach and boardwalk and streets and casinos to see the Sands go down. Go to YouTube, do a search for "Sands Casino", then sort the results in date order. There are plenty of first-person accounts of the fireworks show and the building going down, and it went flawlessly. It was really, really cool to see that live as I did.
I stayed overnight in Harrah's that night, the family came down as well, it was a fun time despite driving home in torrential rains the next day. Nonetheless, it was a hell of a good time...oops...sorry, my pants are vibrating here...it's my cell phone...sorry...
Oh, hey Vicki, how's it going?
Well...ermm...no, I'm afraid I don't know.
No, I can't explain why your hair turned into straw.

No, I can't understand the bubbles on your forehead either.
Ditto for why your face is starting to look like that of a teenage boy.
It still gets David hot though? Well, that's good.
Yeah, I'm sorry that I didn't know, let me know what they tell you at the lab tomorrow.
OK, doll...chat soon.
Where was I? Oh yes...ummm...well, the Sands, I pretty much covered it.
Let's quickly touch upon the Celebrity Death Race. In the last few weeks, Britney Spears has had plenty of meetings with lawyers and judges, lost custody of the kids, then got it back with stipulations for visitation, but that got yanked a few days ago too because she didn't submit to the drug testing like she was supposed to. She's still hitting Starbucks though.

I like the pumpkins on the dashboard there, very festive. Actually, I think she has the days of the week written on them and inside are her pills so she knows which ones to take when. Hey, at least it's a smart idea, I'll give her that. The problem is, in addition to not following the judge's orders and continuing to make K-Fed look like Fred MacMurray in the parenting scheme of things, she's still running over people's feet and performing hit-and-runs on parked cars. The usual. In a nutshell, Lindsey Lohan is no longer in the lead because for months now, she's actually done NOTHING. She did leave rehab, but so far so good. No negative press, no hospital visits...it's been MONTHS! Britney Spears now leads the Race. Paris Hilton has been such a nonfactor lately I may just have to find a new third person. Stay tuned!
Final thought before I go watch ALCS Game 7 (WHAT A SERIES between Boston and Cleveland, thank GOODNESS one of the baseball playoff series has been exciting and not a sweep!). This is what the cat got fed tonight.

Yes, Paul Newman's Organics no longer is just for humans, folks. For what it's worth, though, the cat ate it up and enjoyed it. I guess it didn't need any salad dressing.
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